Estimate cost calculator

That calculator will calculate estimate cost of the route, for the number of days you choose. Food , accommodation(no expensive hotels),guiding and transportation from Ivano-Frankivsk and back is included. For people under 26 and students there is special discount 50% on guiding fee. Those who come to Ukraine for visiting their girl friend , can bring them along free of guiding fee.
( that is made in VBscript so only browsers supporting VBscript will show the calculator, Internet Explorer and some others )

Input the number of days for your trip
Input the number of people for the trip
All overnight stayings in private houses with facilities
All overnight stayings in tent
Private houses without facilities

Public transportation option
Private tranportation option
Intensive use of transport throughout the route
50% guiding fee discount for students and people under 26

Cost per day for all persons
Total cost
Cost per person/day
Cost per person for all days

Do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail: or

Via post: Vyacheslav Zhegar, Ukrainska 6/12, Ivano-Frankivsk 76019, Ukraine

one of the clients web site
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