Poland is a big country in the Central -Eastern Europe. The south border of this country is almost
continuous chain of the mountains. Most part of them are quite populous, anyway this fact did not make
them less attractive. I can offer many trekking routes from Sudety on the West to Beshady on the East,
including High Tatra mountains .
- Sudety, this part of the mountains is situated near the border with
Czech Republich and called Karkonoshe.
- Karpach(25 km from Jelena Gora)-summit Sneshka(1601m,the highest in Czech Republic)-Shkliarska Poremba
- Other routes on the territories of Poland and Czeck Republic
- The Tatra massif is the highest part of the Carpathians mountains is situated near the border
Poland and Slovakia
- Numerous radial routes from Zakopane(100km from Krakow).
- Zakopane-summit Svinitsa(2300m)-5 lakes valley -lake Morske Oko -summit Risy(2490m, the highest in Poland )-Lisa Plolyana
- Routes in Slovakia , including the assent on the highest summit Gerlakhovsky Shtit(2600m)
- Beskidy massif, near the city Bielska-Biala
- Bielsko-Biala-Zivec
- Zivec-summit Babia(1740m, the highest in the area)
- KLodzkie gory,the east part of the Sudety mountains.
- Stare Miaste(Czech Republic)-summit Sneznick- Bistrica(Poland)
Do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail:
carpathians2000@yahoo.com or
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