Foros-Ai Petri mountain -Yalta plateau-Babugan plateau- Roman-Kosh mount (the highest point of Crimea 1554m)-village Maly Mayak (sea side) .

1 day : Meeting the group in Simferopol/Sevastopol , transfer to the town of Foros –ascent to the pass Baydarskie Gate-hiking to the pass Merdven-Shaytan duration 5-7h

2 day : Continuing hiking on Ai-Petri plateau – hiking to mount At-Bash 1196́ duration 4-6 h

3 day : Hiking to mount Ai-Petri 1234m – coming to Yalta plateau duration 5-7 h

4 day : Continuing hiking on Yalta plateau – hiking to mount Lapata 1406́ – m.Dzunin-Kosh duration 5-7 h

5 day : Hiking to the Gurzuf saddle pass –ascent to Roman-Kosh mount (the highest point of Crimea 1554m)- continuing hiking on Babugan plateau to the foot of mount Kush -Kaya duration 5-7 h

6 day : Descent to the village of Maly Mayak (sea side ) duration 3-5h


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phone: +(38)-067-342-84-07

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